+39 0331 427400

The company


Consumer Electronics spa  was founded in 1953 and today is  one of the leading companies in Italy operating with all the consumer electronics distribution channels: mass market, retail market, web, loyalty.

The company  registered  a constant  growth and in 1999 was transformed into a joint stock company with a fully paid share capital of € 1.500.000.

In 2012 the heaquarter moved in the new offices situated in P.za G. Ferrè, 10 – Legnano (MI),  where  the administrative / financial department and the commercial / sales departments are based.

A dedicated after sales service department is located  in a nearby  site.

Our headquarters in Piazza Gianfranco Ferré


Consumer Electronics spa activity is addressed to all the Italian consumer electronics market.

The product ranges are constantly updated according to the  trends of a fast moving market and actually  focused on the following segments:

  • Tv and Home Entertainment 
  • Mobile communication: smartphones, smart watches, wearable techonology, accessories,  3D viewers
  • I & T: monitors, tablets, portable computers, storage, accessories
  • White goods & SDA: Fridge freezers, washing machines, dryers,  dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens and  small kitchen appliances
  • Electric mobility: bikes, balance board, foldable mobility items
  • Air solutions: air conditioning &  heating systems
  • Safety: personal  GPS trackers